
Insights into what is involved in buying, selling & living in Portugal

Mortgage process Portugal

How does a mortgage process in Portugal works? Find a property of your liking and establish the purchase price. Find your mortgage brokers or banks who you think toy be willing to provide the mortage They will send you a simulation and give you a break down of the cost and monthly payments. Read more →

Other mortgages in Portugal

Visitors to the Algarve who decide to invest in a holiday or future retirement home may be surprised in the past to find that there were fewer choices here than in their home country for obtaining a mortgage. However the last couple of years things have changed and speed on approving loans has increased. Read more →


Understand how to apply for a mortgage in Portugal, and the types of mortgage available… For those who have a Portuguese Residency Card (Cartão de Residencia), a Portuguese Tax Code (Numero Fiscal de Contribuinte), a Portuguese bank account (Conta Bancaria em Portugal), proof of regular income and/or a contract (Contrato) with an international or national company in Portugal, and a good credit rating, it is fairly easy to take out a mortgage. Read more →