Taxation and Succession

Insights into what is involved in buying, selling & living in Portugal

Fiscal Representation

You may have heard already that the Portuguese Government now has taken serious measurements to ensure that taxes like I.M.I. (Rates or council tax), Mais-Valía (Capital Gains Tax) and I.M.T. (Transfer tax or Stamp duty) are really paid and collected. For the non Portuguese property owner, they have now enforced a law that stipulates that every non Portuguese individual or company purchasing, owning or selling a property in Portugal must appoint a Fiscal Representative and this appointment must be registered in the local Tax Department. Read more →

New property tax laws 2004

For many years, the Portuguese government has been promising to reform the existing tax system in relation to private estate (Patrimonium), inheritance, and gift tax. During the last couple of months a new tax reform was presented to Parliament and approved and part of it, the new Sisa (transfer tax) now called I. Read more →

New tax reforms on realestate

For many years the Portuguese government has been promising to reform the existing tax system in relation to properties and inheritance and gift tax, which has been subject to tax abuse for many years. In a meeting held in Ferreira on 6th April of this year (2003), new proposals have been made which will affect the following taxes: Read more →

Tax evasion and Tax planning

General: In another article on this web site I have tried to explain already who is considered by the Portuguese tax authorities to be tax liable in Portugal. Not being a registered resident does not exclude you for not being a possible tax payer in Portugal. Being a Resident however automatically qualifies you as being a tax resident in Portugal also. Read more →

Tax on Rental Income

Tax on rental income in Portugal As many of you rent out your property through our services it is maybe good to know if and what you have to declare to the Portuguese tax authorities (Finançes). It is known know that undeclared rental income is high on the list of the Finançes. Read more →